Sunday, October 14, 2018

Faeries, wildflowers and sewing booty....

  This cheeky faery n I recently went to a very big village, Sydney. To visit DianaMum for her birthday marking, and general hanging out. There's usually a relatively large amount of kilometres betwixt us (for a general ambler by foot such as myself), which means sharing a cup o tea, or glass o champagne, is a luxury indeed. Let alone the drive we took to 'The Wildflower Place' for, oddly enough, an Aussie bush flower festival! Twas an intergenerational thang, as my grandmother, GrandBea, used to order rarer native flowers and plants from the father of the current nursery woman and florist, Nola, who Mum has worked with. We ooohed and aaahed our way around the displays. Its hard to get the scale from the below pictures, but some o those gum blossoms are the size of a fist!

 Closer to home base, one o them at least, the Rozelle markets on a Sunday was a findings place indeed for Opalartifacts creations! Booty, as these pictures reveal. The colours! Although I shall admit the balls o silk crochet thread travelled there with me, to learn some furthur embroidery stitches. They came from a wee church garage sale before departure for a dollar a ball. Stoked. The word Earth is herein written, or embroidered rather in them, on the green linen which is to be either a pocket or a wee baggie not sure which yet.

Speaking of wee baggies, I have felted my first one! I wet felted a white prefelt, and then needle felted upon it spirals n dots. Using some of the Sydney threads for hand stitching the seams. Play is the birthplace of learnings, so I was happy to be experimenting!

 That continued with having a go at some simplesque embroidery, in a piece made with the intention to connect with the well ancestors in ones lineage. It will be filled with Rose petals, and to be placed on ones altar, or under pillow mayhaps.

                                                  Blessings upon your ways! ChloeOpal

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